Eva Tatum sings a in a musical, wearing a black dress
Music Scholarship Creates a Flexible Future
Eva Louise Tatum ’27 explores passions in music and beyond

Through music, Eva Louise Tatum ’27 simultaneously loses and finds herself in the moment. 

“I've always had a passion for performing,塔图姆说。, a prospective music and 市场营销 major from Nashville, 田纳西州. “When I picked up a French horn for the first time, I felt like the entire world was quiet for a second when I started playing. 和 I was like, this is the coolest feeling ever. 我喜欢这个.”

在赌博娱乐平台网址大全,她 音乐奖学金 gives her the opportunity to pursue that passion for music, while also developing a set of skills that will help her flourish beyond the performance hall.

“I would not be here without my 音乐奖学金—I would not have been able to afford it,塔图姆说. “赌博娱乐平台网址大全 has been wonderful in making sure that I am able to go to a school that I really love and have a well-rounded experience.”

是的, part of that experience is music: Tatum is a talented vocalist and French horn player who is loving life in 赌博娱乐平台网址大全’s Symphonic Wind Ensemble and Chamber Singers choir. “音乐给了我一种表达自己的方式, but the joy I feel after a performance comes from the audience,她说。. “Hearing the way the music touched each person and their favorite parts of a show is what makes everything worth it for me.” So, she’s grateful she can continue her musical education at 赌博娱乐平台网址大全.

Eva Tatum '27, an accomplished performer, has starred in musical theatre productions such as 窗帘.

Yet, another draw of her 音乐奖学金 is its flexibility. Tatum doesn’t have to be a music major to receive the award, which means she can explore other fields, 太.

“I came [to 赌博娱乐平台网址大全] knowing that I wanted to be a business major, but didn't really know what realm that would sit in,塔图姆说. “暂时,我的专业是 市场营销. I really enjoy it and the topics we're covering are interesting and engaging for me.”

和, 说实话, Tatum also says that not having to major in music takes some of the pressure off of her musical journey, 太.

“I am grateful that I don't have to be a music major, 因为, 目前, that is not where my passion lies for a future job,塔图姆说. “我想做音乐, but it is important that I keep my drive to perform, and I am still figuring out if that will include a major.”  

应用ing for a 音乐奖学金 was so streamlined that Tatum actually says she was surprised to learn that she’d gotten an award.

“I am going 说实话, I didn't really even know I applied for it,塔图姆说. “There might have been an extra essay involved, but I know I just sent in my music and my vocal auditions, and I had gotten good responses from 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 faculty, and then I found out that I was offered the scholarship.”

简而言之, if you’re talented and interested in 圣赌博平台网站大全, opportunities like 音乐奖学金s will present themselves to you.

而塔图姆只是大一新生, she’s already seeing opportunities beyond the musical world present themselves, 太.

She’s looking forward to joining 赌博娱乐平台网址大全’s unique 希腊生活社团, where there are no national fraternities or sororities (and Bid Day takes place in the spring, to give first-years the space to settle in during their opening semester).

“I found some sororities that I really, really enjoy being around,塔图姆说. “The girls are all so nice and loving, and they care about each other, which is great. 实际上, a couple of them are in some other clubs that I'm doing, so I'm able to connect with them through that as well.”

Tatum also enjoyed wakeboarding with 赌博娱乐平台网址大全’s student-run 户外康乐组织. “The next free weekend I have, I'm going to go again,她说。. “他们做了很多志愿者工作, and I'm going to sign up so I can be more involved in the 圣安东尼奥 community as well.”

As Tatum’s musical passions continue to develop, her social and support networks keep growing. She’s looking forward to finding summer internships and going on one of 赌博娱乐平台网址大全’s many study abroad opportunities.

“I was able to find a way to truly thrive here,塔图姆说. “这是一个不可思议的地方.”

耶利米Gerlach is the brand journalist for 圣赌博平台网站大全 Strategic Communications and Marketing.
